Track 01: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Blockchain based artificial Intelligent Systems applications in Computers and Communications
Blockchain based AI and Robotics Technologies
Blockchain based AI and cloud computing
Blockchain based Economic paradigms and game theory
Blockchain based Machine and Deep Learning of Knowledge
Blockchain based Distributed Knowledge and Processing
Blockchain based Humans-Agents Interactions / Human-Robot Interactions
Track 02: IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems
Blockchain-based IoT Applications and Services
Blockchain-based security for the Internet of Things and cyber-physical systems
Blockchain-based Internet of Things architectures and protocols
Blockchain in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)
Blockchain-based application in Intelligent Manufacturing: Industrial Internet of Things,
Blockchain and Secure Critical Infrastructure with Industry 4.0
Intelligent manufacture and management
Consensus and mining algorithms suited for resource-limited IoTs
Blockchain-based Controlled mobility and QoS
Blockchain-based energy optimization techniques in WSN
Blockchain-based Software defined networks
Track 03: Big Data Blockchain in Data Fusion
Blockchain Analytics and Data mining
Distributed data store for blockchain
Distributed transaction for blockchain
Blockchain based Data Science and Data Engineering
Protocols for management and access using blockchains
Blockchain architectures tailored for domain-specific applications
Track 04: Security and Privacy on the Blockchain
Authentication and authorization in Blockchain
Applications of blockchain technologies in digital forensic
Privacy aspects of blockchain technologies
Blockchain-based threat intelligence and threat analytics techniques
Blockchain-based open-source tools
Forensics readiness of blockchain technologies
Blockchain Attacks on Existing Systems
Blockchain Consensus Algorithms
Blockchain-based Intrusion Detection/Prevention
Security and Privacy in Blockchain and Critical Infrastructure
Attacks on Blockchain and Critical Infrastructure
Blockchain and Secure Critical Infrastructure with Smart Grid
Track 05: Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services
State-of-the-art of the Blockchain technology and cybersecurity
Blockchain-based security solutions of smart cities infrastructures
Blockchain in connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) and ITS)
Blockchain Technologies and Methodologies
Recent development and emerging trends Blockchain
New models, practical solutions and technological advances related to Blockchain
Theory of Blockchain in Cybersecurity
Applications of blockchain technologies in computer & hardware security
Implementation challenges facing blockchain technologies
Blockchain in social networking
Performance metric design, modeling and evaluation of blockchain systems
Network and computing optimization in blockchains
Experimental prototyping and testbeds for blockchains